Showing posts with label Tutorials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tutorials. Show all posts

Friday 24 March 2017

How to Score High In SKUSAT 2017

How to Score High In SKUSAT


Have you heard of SKUSAT before? if not read here to read how to go about it. After you must have read every thing about it and register, this post is now for you.


Steps to score high in this years SKUSAT CBT CONTEST

I tell you that if you follow this steps, you will surely make it in the coming SKUSAT test.
  1. Get yourself acquainted with the the SKUSAT pre-test questions.
  2. After visiting the above link, Click on any of the packages, Basic Level, Standard Level and Scholar Level. fig 1.0
  3. Select any of the levels and you will be taken to a page to login. Fig 2.0.
  4. Type in your name and click on Continue.
  5. You will be directed to a page to practice the questions, keep on practicing at different Levels as chances of scaling through is directly proportional to the number of times you practice the questions.

FIG 1.0
FIG 2.0

You can also read current affairs, Atlases,  just do as much as you can.

Keep on Sharing. 

Thursday 26 January 2017

How To pay your Fees with your card UNN

Before using your card for online payment (WebPay), you must activate your ATM card. Visit HERE to know how to activate your ATM card for online transaction.

If you need the PDF of the short tutorial, COMMENT WITH your email (school mail, Gmail, Yahoomail) or any other email to get it instantly. Or call the number: 09074701349.
After activating your card, follow these steps to pay your fees online:

1. Log into your portal ( unnportal.unn.edu.ng )
2. With your registration number and password, you get  access to your 'home.aspx'.
3. Click on the specific fees your want to pay i.e school fees, hostel fees etc. and generate the invoive.
4. Copy out the RRR pin.
5. visit www.remita.net.

6. Hover around as the next page appears and you will see "pay electronic invoice", click on it.
7. A horizontal Modal Box appears where you put in the Remita Refer....(RRR) PIN..

8. Paste the RRR in the box and click on Continue.
9. Choose your account type, Visa card, Verve card, Master card etc

10. Input your bank details ie, PIN, card number, CVV (the three numbers at the back of your ATM card) and every other necessary datails and click on PAY

11. Another page appears where you are asked to put the OTP (One-Time Password) sent to your phone number. DO NOT DISCLOSE THE PASWORD TO ANYBODY.

NB: The phone number used during account registration.

12. Click on CONTINUE to proceed with the automatic deduction of the money. CONGRATS!
13. Visit back your UNN account to pay fees and print out your receipt.



How to generate your wifi login details UNN

Follow the pictures and short steps to get your password. But if it does not work, you will have to visit the school Library, Data section or the School ICT.

How to generate the wifi login details

It is the duty of the school management to provide to the students login details for accessing the net while on campus.

NB: The password provided at different campuses can only be used on your own campus. What I am saying is that, you cannot use the same password generated for you in Nsukka Campus in Enugu CAmpus. For the newly admitted students, we have the following in nsukka campus:




On your portal, on the panel by the left side of your portal, click on "UNN HOTSPOT" click on "your 

hotspot login details" choose your desired password, click on generate. Make sure you write it down somewhere in order not to forget.


Tuesday 24 January 2017

Prophesies made by Pastor E A Adeboye at his visit to UNN. [VIDEO]

The visit of the man of God today was a great one. I do not think any student would miss the programme, an event that really changed lives. One of the things he said was that he does not know will be coming back to Nsukka  for such a programme. This is the first of its kind.

In an event that claimed many lives to Jesus.

He said " One of those dreams we call dream like miracles. There are miracles that when you get them, it looks as if you are still dreaming."

"I have gotten such before that I had to say to God 'God if this is a dream, please do not let me wake up'" He added.

The prophesy came after the statement above, He said
"The Almighty is going to give you the similar dream today" He added "The lord say I should tell someone today that very soon he will know that he came to Nsukka because of you" The people echoed a thunderous Amen.
Thank you father!

He read also about the story of a man in the bible who was paralyzed, when he heard about Jesus, wanted to meet him but the people were much, they had to climb the roof oif the building to drop the man down. When Jesus saw the problem and the faith they had, he told him, Man take up your bed and go and every one was amazed. The man carried up the bed that carried him.

He said, "Your miracle you are getting from here will amaze people"


Friday 20 January 2017


This is to inform all students of UNN that the portal for Course Registration for the First Semester of the 2016/17 session will be closed as follows:

Date:   Sunday 22nd January, 2017.

Time:  12 Midnight

Any student who fails to register his/her course before this closure is deemed to have lost the semester.

Please be informed.

Also read: Revised timtetable (academic calender) for the 2016/2017 session


Wednesday 7 December 2016

How to calculate CGPA [Check yours now]

This posts will guide and teach you on how to calculate your Grade Point Average (G.P.A) and also Cumulative Grade Point Average (C.G.P.A). This is usually done when you must have seen your semester results to know where your stand is in the university.

What do I mean by stand? I mean whether you are in

  • First class
  • Second class upper
  • Second class lower
  • Third class
  • Pass
  • Fail.
After going through this post, I assure you that when ever you are asked to calculate your G.P.A, it will as simple as ABC.


  • Letter grades are in alphabetical representation. Point weighting is the number equivalent of letter Grades.
  • Credit hours may be defined as the contact hours assigned to each course per week per semester.
  • Grade Point (GP) is the product of the point weighing and the credit hour(s) for a given course.
  • Point grade= point weighing  X  credit hour
  • Grade point Average in any semester is the ration of the sum of grade points to the sum of credit hour(s) in other words avarage performance.
  • GPA = Point grade/Work load
  • Cummulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is the up-to-date mean of the grade points earned by the student in the program of study.
  • However, it is usually computed for each Academic year.
  • CGPA = (1st Semester GPA + 2nd Semester GPA) / 2
  • Final Cumulative Grade Point Average (FCGPA) is the sum of all your CGPA divided by the number of years spent in the programme of study.


% Scale Letter Point weighing
70-100 A 5
60-69 B 4
50-59 C 3
45-49 D 2
0-44 F 0


Course Credit Letter  Point  Point 
 Hour grades weight grade
GSP101 2 B 4 2 X 4 = 8
GSP102 2 B 4 2 X 4 = 8
SOC103 2 B 4 2 X 4 = 8
POL101 3 A 5 3 X 5 = 15
MTH111 3 A 5 3 X 5 = 15
PHY111 3 A 5 3 X 5 = 15
ENGR101 2 C 3 2 X 3 = 6
BIO101 2 A 5 2 X 5 = 10
PHY121 2 C 3 2 X 3 = 6
Total= 21 Total= 91
G.P.A = 91/21 = 4.333

4.5 - 5.0 1ST CLASS
3.5 - 4.49 2ND CLASS UPPER
2.5 - 3.49 2ND CLASS LOWER
1.5 - 2.49 3RD CLASS
1.0 - 1.49 PASS
0.0 - 0.99 FAIL

Never give up, you only get one life go for it ----Richard Grant.
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today-----Hackson Brown. 


Saturday 3 December 2016

Things you need to know about UNN portal

These are the few things you need know about UNN portal as a student:
First of all, these sub-domain of the UNN website is mainly built for students of the university to give them a platform where they can:

  • Generate invoices (hostel fees, School fees, Laptop invoice etc):
New and old students can generate invoices online.

  • Check Semester results online
Semester results are now being checked online using scratch cards purchased from the school.

  • Reprint School fees receipt
This feature is made available to those students that have lost/misplaced their school fees receipt and want to get a new one.
  • Get acceptance letter from school
  • Update Personal Profile
  • Register courses
Course registration are done online. Note that some school do pay for course registration, but for UNN, its free and easy to register courses.

  • Get handbook for your faculty (NEW FEATURE)

  • Generate hotspot login details.
More so, the portal has been built using the Microsoft Visual Studio (web form) i.e .aspx, where Data of all the students are stored in the database for retrieval when needed.
It has green Header and also, easy to navigate.


Sunday 13 November 2016

Ways of making money as a student

There are several ways as a student to make money while still studying your course in the university. Do not be surprised that most student would not see to this, they do think it is waste  of time that will distract their attention: The following are different ways you can make money as a student:

1. Blogging:

I have taken time to compile this short E-book that will guide you to open your own blog, The book contains:

1. How to start a blog
2. How to create your first post
3. Inserting images and videos to posts

Its simplicity and comprehensiveness will make you grab every line as you read. The short E-book also contains images which has made the whole written words to be made plain and clearer to the reader (student). Why don't you venture into blogging as this has helped a lot financially in school. I am a testimony.

2. Online business (global help):
Have you heard of MMM, EBN, icharity, ipay, giversforum? If you have heard of any of these online business, this is what I call global help. Currently in Nigeria, there are numerous users if these online platforms especially the MMM, it pays like a BOOM..just within a month, you get 30% of what you invested with.

Let us say you invested with N30,000  30% will be N9,000, the system automatically adds 20USD dollar for you and that is N6,000. This simply means that you have got a gain of N15,000 within a month, no need to refer someone.
Click here to register for MMM.

For icharity, this is another booming online business currently ravaging around campuses for students and even businessmen.

You register with just N6,000 and you get N30,000 after referring 5 persons. Someone may be saying in his mind that it is hard to refer someone, but let me tell you, according to them and from what I have seen so far, the system automatically generates the five persons within two weeks if you can't get the five persons. How do you see it? Making sense right?

Not only that, to move to the next stage (i.e Stage 2), you use N12,000 from the 30k (this is not compulsory)

NB: The money will be paid directly into your bank account as provided by you during registration

        What are you waiting for? Click here to register. When it opens, click on proceed and begin the application. Contact 09074701349 for further explaination.

Givers forum is an upgraded forum of MMM, such that you will be given 40% of what you invested after one month and additional 10% per week

Other ways of getting money as a student in the university is through
i. Organizing tutorials for the first years students (i.e if you are the intelligent and smart type)
ii. Selling course materials
iii. Selling of electronics like earpiece, flashdrives, etc
iv. Repair of electronics like MP3, phones, laptops, electric Irons, etc... and so on.

Contact 09074701349 for further explanation.

Hope this article is helpful. Do not forget to share with your friends.


Saturday 1 October 2016

How to read and remember

Have you ever asked yourself why you spend so much time in reading your book and yet still do not understand? Researches has been carried out to find out these but to discover that many read without knowing why they are reading but to fulfill all righteousness.
Below are some points that will help you to read with speed and comprehension:

  1. Read with a purpose.
  2. Skim first.
  3. Be judicious in highlighting and note taking.
  4. Think in pictures.
  5. Rehearse as you go along.
  6. Rehearse again soon.
1. Know Your Purpose
Everyone should have a purpose for their reading and think about how that purpose is being fulfilled during the actual reading. The advantage for remembering is that checking continuously for how the purpose is being fulfilled helps the reader to stay on task, to focus on the more relevant parts of the text, and to rehearse continuously as one reads. This also saves time and effort because relevant items are most attended.

  • to understand a certain group of people, such as Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc.
  • to crystallize your political position, such as why a given government policy should be opposed.
  • to develop an informed plan or proposal.
  • to satisfy a requirement of an academic course or other assigned reading.

         2. Skim first:

Some reading tasks require no more than skimming. Proper skimming includes putting an emphasis on the headings, pictures, graphs, tables, and key paragraphs (which are usually at the beginning and the end). Depending on the purpose, you should slow down and read carefully only the parts that contribute to fulfilling the reading purpose.

         3. Be judicious in highlighting and note taking:

Use a highlighter to mark a FEW key points to act as the basis for mental pictures and reminder cues. Add key words in the margins if you don’t find useful clues to highlight.
Almost all students use highlighter pens to identify key parts of a text. But many students either highlight too much or highlight the wrong things. They become so preoccupied in marking up the book that they don’t pay enough attention to what they are reading. A better approach is to highlight just a few key words on a page. If many pages don’t require highlights, sticky tabs on pages with highlights can greatly speed a study process for whole books.

         4. Think in picture:

Moreover, pictures are much easier to memorize than words. Those memory wizards who put on stage shows owe their success (as do card counters in casinos) to use of gimmicks based on mental pictures. Ordinary readers can use to good affect the practice of making mental images of the meaning of text. The highlighted key words in text, for example, if used as a starting point for mental pictures, then become very useful for memorization. One only has to spot the key words and think of the associated mental images. Sometimes it helps to make mental images of headings and sub-heads. Pictures also become easier to remember when they are clustered into similar groups or when they are chained together to tell a story.
Mental pictures are not the only way to facilitate memory for what you read. I understand that actors use another approach for memorizing their lines for a play, movie, or TV show. Actors “get into the part” and study the meaning of the script in depth, which seems to produce memory automatically for them. When the same script is memorized with mental images, it appears that the text is being looked at from the outside, as something to be memorized. Actors, on the other hand, appear to be looking at the same text from the inside, as something to be experienced. The actors probe the deep meaning of the text, which inevitably involves attending to the exact words. For example, they seem to explore why their character would use a given set of words to express a particular thought. This is still a process of association, except that actors are associating words with real meaning and context as opposed to contrived visual image meaning and context.

         5. Rehearse as you go along:

Read in short segments (a few paragraphs to a few pages, depending on content density), all the while thinking about and paraphrasing the meaning of what is written.
To rehearse what you are memorizing, see how many of the mental pictures you can reconstruct. Use headings and highlighted words if needed to help you reinforce the mental pictures. Rehearse the mental pictures every day or so for the first few days after reading.

        6. Rehearse after you must have finished reading:

At the reading session end, rehearse what you learned right away. Avoid distractions and multi-tasking because they interfere with the consolidation processes that enable longer-term memory. Answer again the questions about content mentioned in the “Rehearse As You Go Along” section.
Think about and rehearse what you read at least twice later that day. Rehearse again at last once for the next 2-3 days.



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